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''It's complicated'' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words''It's complicated'' - Essay ExampleIt was the graduation of the

lications of Jane’s life is Adam, his architect, who is asking her out and started to get to know each other personally considering that Adam helps Jane to design her house for renovations. The scenarios throughout the affair and the love triangle made the whole film to be defined by its title, ‘It’s complicated’. The movie ended up choosing between Jake and Adam and explaining to her kids what happened between the two of them. A sad part comes into the scene when the three kids discovered that their parents are having an affair and it gave them false hopes of getting back together as one family. Although Jane felt the happy with the affair, she still chose to be with Adam because that is what she thinks is right and what her heart tells her.The lighting in the movie did pretty well. The movie is not categorized for a family because there are adult scenes and languages that are not suitable for kids. The lighting director worked well because the shots are taken on various times and the audience could really distinguish the lights used such as the scenes in the hotel, outdoor shots, bedroom, parties and other. Generally, the lights are used according to the needs